Electronic Fee Collection 5


Overall objective

The overall objective of EFC5, financed by the European Commission (EC), is to provide a targeted support to the EC in the definition of the European electronic toll service (EETS) legislation.

EFC5 provides support to the EC and the notified bodies EETS coordination group (NB EETS CG)

EFC5 also carries out an EETS gap analysis with the aim to identify the need for new or updated standards to provide an enhanced support for the updated the European EETS legislation.

Further, EFC5 provides input to CEN/TC 278/WG 1  which is responsible for standardization of EFC in Europe.

EFC5 started its work in April 2019 and the project will last until the end of 2021.

State of play

The EETS implementing and delegated acts have been prepared with the support of EFC5. The European EETS legislation consists of the following legal acts:

8 CEN EFC standards are referred to in the recast of the EETS legislation.

CEN Technical Report – Electronic fee collection — EETS gap analysis and proposed standards roadmap

EFC5 has drafted a CEN Technical Report Electronic fee collection — EETS gap analysis and proposed standards roadmap, in order to provide a stronger backing of the updated EETS legislation.

An annex highlights how standards underpin the EETS legislation. It highlights the correspondence between the requirements in the EETS legal acts and the associated relevant supporting standard. It also highlights other relevant EU laws and supporting standards, mirroring the EU laws mentioned in the EETS legislative acts.

The CEN draft Technical Report has been submitted, in May 2020, for launching of the CEN Formal Vote.